Join the Community Data Science Collective (CDSC) for our 4th Science of Community Dialogue! This Community Dialogue will take place on January 20 at 10:00 PT (18:00 UTC) . This Dialogue focuses on community governance and data. Professor Amy X. Zhang (University of Washington) will join Dr. Nick Vincent (Northwestern University, UC Davis) to cover topics including:

Full session descriptions are up on our website. Register online

What is a Dialogue?

The Science of Community Dialogue Series is a series of conversations between researchers, experts, community organizers, and other people who are interested in how communities work, collaborate, and succeed. You can watch this short introduction video with Aaron Shaw.

What is the CDSC?

The Community Data Science Collective (CDSC) is an interdisciplinary research group made of up of faculty and students at the University of Washington Department of Communication, the Northwestern University Department of Communication Studies, the Carleton College Computer Science Department, and the Purdue University School of Communication.