Because it seemed kind of awkward to ask Debian people to stay
up-to-date by following our Twitter, I've set up CDSC account in the
Fediverse (AKA Mastodon, ActivityPub, etc). It's online here:
At the moment, it's just set to automatically repost any posts from
@comdatasci to the Fediverse account, and vice versa.
If you are active the Fediverse, feel free to follow and/or spread the
word so we build an audience.
Details on crossposting, the account, etc are online here:
If you don't want to crosspost, just add #noxp and it should Do The
Right Thing.
If you're on the People page on the wiki, I will try to add you to the
list of featured follows on the account if I see you follow.
I would love it if other people had access to this so they could help
maintain it, grant access to others, etc. Reach out to me offlist if
you can help and I'll get you the password. Can I volunteer you, Carl?
Benjamin Mako Hill
Greetings folks!
For those that weren't at the meeting last week... The plan for the
next week is to read (or revisit) Pamela Oliver and Gerald Marwell's
book on "Critical Mass in Collective Action":
Week 11 (September 1) 1pm Pacific, 3pm Central:
Chapters 1-4 (pg 1-100) on "Building blocks: goods, groups, and
processes"; "The paradox of group size"; and "The dynamics of
production functions"
Week 12 (September 8) 1pm Pacific, 3pm Central:
Chapters 5-8 (pg 101-193) on "Social networks: density,
centralization, and cliques"; "Selectivity in social networks";
"Reach and selectivity as strategies of recruitment;" and
"Unfinished business"
PLUS! Marwell & Oliver's retrospective "Whatever Happened to
Critical Mass Theory?"
A soft copy of the book is online here:…
We'll meet in/at the normal place/time:
This will be the last book of the summer! Please join us if you can.
Benjamin Mako Hill
For reading group next week (August 18) we'll be reading Margaret
Levi's "On Rule and Revenue" which is a book about legitimacy in
governance through a analysis of taxation. You may recall seeing it
discussed at some length in Elinor Ostrom's "Governing the Commons."
This coming week we'll be reading the first half of the book (Chapters
1-4). There's a soft copy of the book in PDF here:…
The plan is to read the second half of the book next week but it looks
like the entire second half of the book is extended historical
examples so we decide as a group what to do next week.
After this we're going to read Pamela Oliver and Gerald Marwell's book
on the "Critical Mass in Collective Action" which we read a couple
years ago but which is important enough that it's worth returning to
it for the newer folks who haven't read it yet and for a bunch of us
that are planning a paper that is directly inspired by a conversation
we had last time we read it.
Benjamin Mako Hill
For reading group next week (August 11) we'll be reading Thomas Kuhn's
"Structure of Scientific Revolutions."
There's a soft copy of the book in PDF and ePub here:……
The book is a pretty fast read but we WILL be talking about the whole
book on Wednesday so don't leave it until the last minute!
Remaining suggestions are Margaret Levy's book on legitmacy and
governance and Pam Oliver and Gerry Marwell's book on the critical
mass in collective action which we read a couple years ago. We likely
will only do two more books after this week so if there's anything you
want to cover as a group, now is the time to speak up!
Benjamin Mako Hill